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Showing posts from 2021

Back on the wagon

 It has been several months since I posted last, but I wanted to provide an update on my weight loss status. I relaxed my efforts over the holidays a bit, but I am happy to say that I only gained about 5 lbs. I am very happy with this. I used this time as a way to see if I could maintain my weight for an extended amount of time. I feel successful in this and I am now ready to start the last stage of my weight loss journey. Currently, I am at 220.8 pounds and pushing to create calorie deficits each day. This will be the hardest stretch for me as I know I am beginning to plateau in my ability to just control my intake. I am looking to add a light workout program that will create additional calorie loss and hopes that it will get me to my goal of 185 lbs by May. I am excited and motivated to get this goal met. Onto a lighter me!